Earnings Disclaimer

This website and all of the information on it and services provided through it is owned by Design For The Sale LLC. (“Design For The Sale” and “DFTS” “Ashley Paige” and “we” and “our” and “us”). This Earnings Disclaimer (the “Disclaimer”), in conjunction with our Terms + Conditions and Privacy Policy shall determine the rules set forth of how anyone, group, individual, business, corporation, etc., may use the website, https://www.designforthesale.com (the “Site”) and how you connect, engage with or access our content, services & products, be it as a paying buyer “customer” or simply a browser, “site visitor.”

It is with our highest encouragement that you read this Disclaimer, Privacy Policy and Terms + Conditions before navigating our website. It is important that you are informed on expectations and regulations from viewing and using this site. Your use of the Site will be presumed confirmation of acceptance by way of any and all terms in our above-mentioned documents. Naturally, if any individual, group, class, business, etc., does not desire to be held by our disclaimers, policies and terms, you are free to disassociate your user navigation from this site and refrain from returning. This of course, is at your discretion and in no way reflects upon DFTS.


DFTS makes zip, nada, zilch, in other words NO GUARANTEES about any amount of success or income improvement that you’ll gain from our Site, incurring courses, website reviews, consulting services or free offers. We will do everything within our means necessary to provide you with the tools, resources, recommendations, services, etc., for you to succeed, however, we make no guarantees. DFTS highest concern is the success of our clients, but there are limited variables within our control in regards to your success as well as your business’ success through our design, branding and consulting services/courses.

You understand that Design For The Sale in conjunction with Ashley Paige, makes zero guarantees whatsoever in regards to any form of results based on any form of inaction or action in regards to your personal life, business life, social media accounts or business(es) relating to or based on information, products, services, imagery, etc., that are sold or shared for free on or through this site. DFTS will not be held responsible nor will it guarantee any amount of results that should or could occur in your life or business. If you are a previous or current client who obtained specific results, we make no form of guarantee that those results will incur or improve again.

In an attempt to make this as clear as a flawless, finely cut diamond, we honor, value and appreciate you, however, we will not ever make you any form of promises or guarantees pertaining to your results or improvement whatsoever. We give you the tools to thrive, it’s up to you to implement and utilize them.


The intention of any and all information, imagery and customer features that we share and post on the Site is to be used as informational and promotional purposes only. We have invested countless hours, weeks, months and years learning invaluable ways to utilize design, branding, copy, imagery, marketing etc., and instrumental lessons about entrepreneurship, building, growing and running a profitable online business and love to share our knowledge with you.


Although it should be a known fact, to make absolutely clear, an individual, (including you,) is held completely responsible for any and all actions you choose to take or not take while exploring and engaging with the Site. As a pre-emptive condition of using this Site, you are presumed to agree and be diligent by consulting with a chosen professional prior to involving with or making any decisions in regards to implementing any recommendations, advice or procedures with your business, branding, website, life, etc. based on any and all information you see or find on the Site.


Ashley Paige holds the following qualifications and does not incur, warrant or represent that she has any professional qualifications outside of what is listed below: 

Single mom, multiple business owner, self-taught and meticulously researched designer, marketing geek and creative connoisseur.

The information, design, imagery and content on this website, although provided by a successful entrepreneur, is not customized to you or your business specifically. As such, the advice, information and content on the website is not professional advice. Ashley Paige has designed, developed and implemented many tips, tricks and hacks to succeeding in web and branding design in relation to your business and any and all information shared on the Site comes from a deep rooted passion and love of desiring to support and help your business. Ashley Paige provides professional advice under the context that she has tirelessly built, invested, researched and worked extremely hard to learn the highest methodology in design and marketing on how to cultivate powerful brand identity, design strategic websites and build a captivating brand story in order to be a respected designer and coach who assists clients in growing and scaling an online presence. However, Ashley Paige does not warrant or represent herself as an expert or professional with professional accreditations nor does she make any sort of guarantee in regards to any form or type of specific or expected success by working with, hiring or utilizing her services. If you choose to adhere to her guidance, advice, recommendations, design principles or teachings, it is your choice. DFTS nor Ashley or any of its subsidiaries is not in any way, shape or form, telling you what to do or how to operate your business or life. You may be instructed on different methods that are known and have been tested to work for other people, websites or businesses. However, this does not imply that you will see the same or better results. In other words, what works for one, may not work for another.

Because of this, you understand and comply that Ashley Paige cannot be held liable in any way, shape or form for any actions or inactions you choose to take or not take based on any information, guidance, imagery, video or content on this Site. You are welcome and encouraged to use the imagery, information and content on this site for a resource or source of inspiration, ideas and interpretation. However, act or act-not, on your own will and accord. We encourage you to do your due-diligence to hire a professional or to seek professional council if you are in need of making important and instrumental decisions regarding your life, well-being or business. It is to be acutely mandated and understood that no party whether individual, group, entity etc., may hold Ashley Paige or DFTS responsible for how you interpret, engage or interact within the Site.


By accessing, viewing and using the Site, there is no mandated, assumed or presumed client-professional relationship created between you and Ashley Paige or Design For The Sale. You are only deemed a client after you have submitted a Client Intake Form, signed a Client Agreement dispatched from Ashley Paige or DFTS, and sent your first payment, thus officially implementing and creating a professional consulting or designer-client relationship. It is our hope to work with you soon, but until all the previously stated steps have been completed, you are not a client. Your continuous use of the Site without the procedure implies acknowledgment that for the time being, we are simply entrepreneurial pals.


We give you our absolute best. We really, truly do. All content, design work, imagery, videos, etc that has been placed on the Site has full intention to be accurate and value based to be helpful, educational and beneficial in providing you the opportunity to improve your business, design aesthetic and life. In that, we ask that you take everything with a grain of salt and understand that not any and all information included on the Site may be accurate, factual or entirely 100% true. Integrity, honor and trust is something we uphold to our core and naturally, would never intentionally provide false or misleading information, but mistakes happen and human tendencies ensure we all make unknowing mishaps at one time or another. It is also a possibility that we may miss something in the cracks or unknowingly forget to declare, state or make known information on the Site. It should be stated that you should never adhere to or rely entirely on the content shared on this site or any other for that matter as there may be areas that are incorrect. Again, if you find you have any discrepancies, issues or disagreements with these stipulations, you are free to end your use of the site immediately.


While creating content for the Site, we love to share other authors, creators, designers, business professionals, products, podcasts or amazing resources that get us all hyped up on business, design, marketing etc and naturally, we want to share with our community! The mass majority of the information that is reviewed or shared is doing so from a place of love in an attempt to add value but primarily because it’s something we genuinely love or align with. In accordance with anything and everything shared on this Site, we request that you receive these shares precisely for what they are; the sharing of content we care about in support of other business owners, products, services, tools, research, etc. Any and all content shared is not to be considered or construed as professional advice. Do not rely solely on the opinions of DFTS or any shared content as the end-all-be-all. In the event we have a relationship with another company, product, professional where DFTS receives affiliate or promotional work or payment, DFTS will explicitly disclose this information with the purpose of clarification and trust between DFTS and our tribe. DFTS will never promote, recommend or share any sort or type of information we do not align with, adhere to or interpret as beneficial to that of our personal business or as a recommendation on our site.


While we run Design For The Sale and will teach you how to dominate strategic design in order to grow your business, we have no official or registered partnerships with Squarespace, Showit, Wordpress, Shopify or any of the other platforms we use. As mentioned, any official or paid affiliation, will be notified to you via our site. Hear us loud and super clear- we are not nor have we been, officially partnered or affiliated with Squarespace, Wordpress or Shopify. 

Any affiliation with a company will be noted and it is solely because we think that the business, individual or product is amazing and we want you to have your own amazing experience with them. You have the right to decline the opportunity to work with any of our recommendations. You will always and forever be the one to choose if a purchase is right for you. If DFTS receives any affiliate kickback, it will never be costed to you.


We are beyond proud of our DFTS client family whom we have guided and helped achieve amazing results. Any and all testimonials are from actual clients, in their own words, sentiments and their results are completely authentic. In that, it must be understood that amazing results are a by-product of amazingly hard and arduous work ethic and adhering to careful teamwork and strategy. Further, the success of our clients is NO GUARANTEE that their results will be yours from working with DFTS. Every business is as unique as the individual who created it, thus your end product, it’s results as well as your over-all experience, will be equally individual and unique.


We may, from time to time, feature some of our client’s success stories and specifics around what their website/branding looked like before DFTS and after DFTS, including what their current success looks like. Again, any success by one client is NOT A GUARANTEE for your success or any one else’s. We are only showing what transformation in your branding, site and business is possible by implementing the DFTS Framework, not that anyone and everyone will achieve these results from our packages or services.

We will do everything in our power to provide you a beautiful brand identity and site that generates or increases your sales, however, we make NO GUARANTEES related to any sort of implied, assumed or desired success you may experience by using our services and programs. In fact, it is entirely possible, although extremely unlikely, that you hire DFTS or implement or FREE suggestions, coaching or consulting and receive no income influx or improvement at all. It is imperative you fully grasp this possibility before your use of the site and our services.

If you so happen to heed our recommendations that are shared on the Site or choose to use our services, please do so with mindful consideration. You understand that Ashley Paige and DFTS are not liable or responsible for any actions you choose to take or not take based on any and all information provided or the services and products we offer.


DFTS makes zero promises that the Site or any of our third-party programs used to offer our services and products will always be timely and operational. In the event something should go “haywire,” we will do everything we can to resolve the issue ASAP. We also wish to clarify to its highest form that we make zero, nada, zilch, NO representations or warranties of any sort or kind around any and all content produced or shared on the Site. To the maximum extent permissible by the United States and Colorado laws, Ashley Paige in conjunction with DFTS disclaims all warranties pertaining to all information, products and services offered on or through the Site. 


DFTS and Ashley Paige will not be liable in any way for any actions you do or not take based on any and all information on the Site, it’s products, services sold or free offers through the Site. Absolutely NONE. ZERO. Ashley Paige and DFTS will not be held liable for any damages based on your individual or business participation of or while using the Site. This also includes anything you have purchased through the Site. 

Furthermore, you understand completely that by the fullest extent permissible by law that Ashley Paige or DFTS will not be held responsible for any form of damages or any legal claims against it based out of your personal or business use of the Site and through any or all of the services or products purchased through the Site. 


Please feel free to connect with Ashley Paige to ask any questions. Please view our full FAQS page beforehand. All communications should be directed to hello@designforthesale.com

If you have any questions whatsoever prior to hiring DFTS for design services, we will provide you with an honest answer to ensure you confidently make the best decision for you, your business and your site.

Thank you so very much and we appreciate you taking the time to read our Disclaimer!

LAST UPDATED, 04/25/2021