let’s get the design party STARTED.


Our ideal client fits the following criteria:


You have been in business at least 18 months and have previously launched your biz with basic branding & website design, but now you are ready to set yourself apart with a professional refresh that’s designed to SELL & SCALE.


You're launching a brand new business (eek! how exciting!) and you’re committed to investing into yourself, your biz & understand the ROI associated with doing so.


You are motivated and driven by strategy, conversion and streamlining FIRST. You appreciate our aesthetic: modern, sleek and sophisticated. You understand the boldness and mastery behind cohesion, alignment and white space.


You understand that the refinement of your brand and website is a marathon, not a sprint; a masterpiece not a sketch. Our services are based on the highest quality production of services in order to help you achieve the best results for your business- not completed in the shortest amount of time.


If this sounds like you, please apply to work with us. We take on a very limited amount of clientele, so you can be confident that you will receive undivided attention.




We understand that hiring seasoned professionals for your branding and website design is a high investment for your business; one that’s not taken lightly but is oh-so-very worth it. To ensure you absolutely get the very most out of your new personal branding and website, Design For The Sale has established a few requirements when you choose to work with us. We stand by the belief that your investment into us will not properly showcacse the highest possible yield without these requirements in place.

Any and all other requirements will be explained during booking based on your selected and customized services.

  • Website Copy

    We require all clients to provide their website copy, based on our very brand specific wireframe. (This ensures you are strategically designed and positioned for the sale!) Your website copy (the words you use and showcase on your site to describe your brand and services,) must be ready for installment before our development phase.

    We give our clients 2 weeks in between the wireframe and development phase to get your copy outlined, proofed and completed. You can write it yourself via our direction or you can hire a professional copywriter, (yes, we do this too with an additional fee, and is the most chosen option for all of our clients— but you are also free to select a copywriter of your preference).

  • Updated Photos

    We require all brand and website design clients to plan and schedule a NEW and on-brand photoshoot, (including lifestyle photos,) for your project. Your photoshoot can be scheduled with the photographer of your choice OR, you can inquire about our professional branded lifestyle photoshoot packages. (Yes, we do that too and a majority of our clients choose this option as we are pros when it comes to targeting, crafting and developing flawless branded photos!) We give each of our clients a 4 week period in between the branding & website design processes to complete this photoshoot. If you opt with an outside photographer, we will have hands on deck to help in the planning and direction for this shoot during your branding portion.

    Stock Photos- Let’s be honest, original photos are the absolute best when it comes to representing you and your brand, but there is most certainly a time and place for killer stock photos. When we opt to use stock photos, we will work alongside you to hand select and edit them if necessary and you will receive a customized Unsplash™ library during our branding phase that you will have to choose from. In the event you would like to use purchased photos, we will require you maintain licensing to host these photos on your site.

  • Domain, Hosting + Timeline

    All of our clients must purchase their own domain & monthly/yearly subscription hosting via our preferred platforms, Squarespace™, Shopify™ or Showit™. We are able to work with Wordpress hosting, however we only provide design services and not development.

    Because we work with our clients on a scheduled basis, it is crucial that we must adhere to our project timeline so that we can ensure you launch quickly and effectively. Creating your masterpiece requires cohesion between the designer and the client, staying within your project timeframe. If we do not work seamlessly together every step of the way to adhere to our timeline, it could cause a delay in your launch and services until another slot opens. We understand that life happens and unforeseen things come up, but we kindly ask for a heads up should this occur so we can work with you to avoid further delays.

get on the WAITLIST


To get on our waitlist, please submit the following form. Our new availability will open up at the beginning of June 2025, (you will receive an e-mail notification if there is open availability and you are on the waitlist,) and all branding, website, consulting and VIP Intensive services will be on an application-only first come, first serve basis.


Studio HOURS

Mon-Fri 9am-5pm

Calls by appointment only